Marcello D'Abbicco

Short CV

Last update: June, 2023

Current position

Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Bari.

Academic titles

Master Degree in Mathematics, full mark (2004). University of Bari.

Ph.D., with grant, in Mathematics, Curriculum Mathematical Analysis, full mark (2008). University of Bari.

Habilitation as Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Statistics (2020). Italy.


Special Mention for Young Scientists, given by International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation (ISAAC), during the 10th ISAAC Congress, Macau, 3-8 August, 2015.






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Researchgate (obsolete)

Current teaching duties

Professor for the course of "Istituzioni di Analisi Superiore", University of Bari, Department of Mathematics, 2019-today, master degree in "Mathematics".

Professor for the course of "Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations", University of Bari, Department of Mathematics, 2019-today, master degree in "Mathematics".

Professor for the course of "Functional Analysis", University of Bari, Department of Mathematics, 2021-today, bachelor degree in "Mathematics"

Professor for the course of "Matematica", University of Bari, Department of Pharmacy, master degree in "Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche", 2015--today.

Main research experiences

Post-doc at University of Freiberg, Germany (2009-10), funded by University of Bari.

Post-doc Research Fellowship "Linear and Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems" (2010-12). University of Bari.

Principal Investigator of the Research Project “Influence of time-dependent coefficients on semi-linear wave models” (2011-12), funded from Germany Research Foundation (DFG).

Post-doc Research Fellowship "Free boundary problems for hyperbolic conservation laws" (2012-13). University of Brescia.

Principal Investigator for the Project “Soluções globais para equações de onda semi-lineares com coeficientes variáveis” (2013), funded by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

Researcher for the Project “Modelli matematici discontinui per l’analisi delle reti di geni: Applicazione al diabete” (2013), funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia.

Young Investigator with Young Scientist Fellowship - São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Project "Decay Estimates for semilinear hyperbolic equations". Affiliation: Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Literature of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Principal Investigator for the Project "A priori estimates for semilinear equations" (2016), funded by Agência USP de Cooperação Acadêmica Nacional e Internacional (AUCANI)

Principal Investigator for the Project INdAM - GNAMPA 2016, 2017, and 2022.

Principal Investigator of the project "Mathematical Models with fractional Laplacian and Nonlinear Memory for the glucose-insulin system: applications to diabetes and metabolic syndrome" in the framework of the program "Future in Research 2013" from Regione Puglia, at University of Bari, Department of Mathematics (February-November 2016)

Participation to many international conferences and workshop, as contributed or invited speaker.

Member of Organizing Commitee of IperBA09, XII National Meeting on hyperbolic-type problems, Bari 2009.

Organizer of the congress “PDE in Bari”, 1-2 February, 2018, Bari.

Organizer of the congress “Modern Aspects of PDE”, 23-24 June, 2022, Bari.

Member of the Commitee for the "Special Session on Recent Progress in Evolution Equations", 10th ISAAC Congress, Macau 2015; 11th ISAAC Congress, Vaxjo 2017; 12th ISAAC Congress, Aveiro 2019, 13th ISAAC Congress, Ghent 2021, 14th ISAAC Congress, Ribeirao Preto 2023

Last Papers (2015-->2023)